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Dr. Laura Clemenhagen, Chiropractor, ART Provider

Dr. Laura Clemenhagen is a graduate of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto. After graduation, Dr. Clemenhagen moved to Vancouver, British Columbia and spent the next 6 years practicing in a multidisciplinary setting in downtown Vancouver. Dr. Clemenhagen then returned to Ontario and has now been practicing in Collingwood for the last eight years. 

As a chiropractor with a background in Kinesiology, Dr. Clemenhagen's goal is to get you moving as quickly as possible. Her treatments are focused on the specific area of complaint with the aim to reduce restriction, improve mobility and restore function. She believes that getting you back to the activities you love and out of her office should be the primary goal!

Dr. Clemenhagen focuses on the treatment of acute and chronic neuromusculoskeletal complaints. She uses multiple chiropractic techniques, rehabilitative exercises and is a certified ART (Active Release Technique) provider. Dr. Clemenhagen has also had training in the application of Kinesiology Taping and utilizes this taping modality to help support joints and decrease the inflammation of acute injuries. As well as treating patients within the clinic setting, Dr. Clemenhagen was the Chiropractor and Injury Support Team Leader for the UBC Track and Field Team.

Dr. Clemenhagen was a member of the National Dragon Boat Team for 6 years and is a certified dragonboat and flatwater canoe coach from the Mississauga Canoe Club. She was a certified alpine ski coach and ski instructor at Mansfield Ski Club for 5 years. She was a member of the Varsity Lacrosse Team at the University of Western Ontario and competed in B.C., California and Hawaii as a paddler with the False Creek Outrigger Program.  

Since moving to Collingwood, Dr. Clemenhagen has been involved with the Southern Georgian Bay Community Health Centre as a board member and has volunteered at the Collingwood Library. She is also a coach and board member with the Collingwood Paddling Club.

Dr. Clemenhagen enjoys treating people from all walks of life. From athletes to desk workers, pregnant moms to those in chronic pain, chiropractic can be a vital part of your health team. 

Dr. Clemenhagen is a licensed member of the Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA), the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO), and the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA). 

Dr. Clemenhagen welcomes both new and returning patients. 

You are invited to come in for a complimentary  'Meet the Doctor' visit to see if Dr. Clemenhagen's practice style is the right fit for you.